Paradigm persona vs. Monitor audio Platinum

Just listen to the paradigm persona 7h.the monitor audio Platinum 300 generation two are so much more three-dimensional and open it's not even funny the paradigm sounded very two-dimensional compared to the monitors that MPD Tweeter puts the beryllium Tweeter to shame.
R2R is the original circuitry it's old and outdated the sabre chip is much better. And it all depends how good the person using it is cuz I've heard dacs with the 9038 pro chip that sound like crap. You have to know what you're doing when you design the analog maybe before you say anything and you should go and hear the wyred for sound 10th anniversary dac.or better yet why don't you buy it cuz it got a 30 day 100% money back guarantee and put it in your system and try it first.
Well it's pretty easy to decide when you hear different dacs on the same system you can tell pretty quickly which one is better and which one isn't and like I said and the reviewer at 10 audio said the same thing it's one of the most analog sounding dacs that he's heard and he put it up against his VPI turntable and he said it was neck-and-neck.
The problem with the top Ressonessence dac is that they're charging $6,000 and there's still only using the 9028 pro chip. The 9038 pro chip is even better but it's very difficult to work with you have to know what you're doing. They're not with ESS anymore they left to start their own company and maybe they just don't have the knowledge to work with the 9038 pro chip.wouldn't you think they would use the best ESS Sabre chip that's on the market instead of the next one down which isn't as good? And why is that? The 10th anniversary dac is only 4500
I like crisp, airy(extended) treble and so I naturally gravitate towards metal domes. I used to love AMT tweeters, but I guess that was compared to softdomes many years ago. AMTs now sound a little dark although still more acceptable to me than soft domes. It’s mainly preference and system matching I think. I haven’t heard the monitors but did hear the Legacy Aeris and next down the line. I think Paradigms are great, but require system matching. My big complaint with Personas and Magicos is the lack of grills. Come on manufacturers, at least give the us the option of putting them on to protect them!

Having said that, I’m not a fan of ESS DACs. They sound too lean to me, and if compensated for, sound too plumy and fat or soft in the bass. Currently using BelCanto DAC 3.5mk2 and pretty happy, but I would dearly love to have the Bricasti that has all DAC options in one unit: r2r, DS, and one bit DSD.
 I also wish everyone could agree to disagree and not attack each other in forums, makes for a worse experience.
Well you should give a listen to the wyred for sound 10th anniversary dac, I think it will change your mind you really have to know how to design the analog side to make everything sound really good. Even the reviewer at 10 audio said it was one of the most analog sounding decks he's heard. They've really done a phenomenal job designing this dac. It is very spacious very natural-sounding. It's not just a chip that makes it sound good it's everything else designed around it properly.