Paradigm persona vs. Monitor audio Platinum

Just listen to the paradigm persona 7h.the monitor audio Platinum 300 generation two are so much more three-dimensional and open it's not even funny the paradigm sounded very two-dimensional compared to the monitors that MPD Tweeter puts the beryllium Tweeter to shame.
Hi, I have the monitor audio Series 1 two pl300s, a pl350 and two pl100s in a 5.1 system with mcintosh mc300 monoblocks and  mc 250 for the rear channels and using mit s19 speaker cables and interconnects.  Should I switch out the speaker cable to occ?  I have a 21 ft and 22 ft rear channels and about 5ft and 8 ft for front channels.  What occ speaker cables would greatly enhance my sound or another speaker wire would be better?
I think you should Brandon, I tried MIT which is the same thing as transparent and those boxes just screwed up everything in my system they made everything sound dead and flat. There's nothing ofc out there that will match OCC. And the reason for that is because ofc has 300 Crystal barriers per foot which is like little fractures in the wire and OCC has none so when the signal travels down the wire it's not having to jump through the fractures with sheers off little harmonics with your missing when it comes out the other end. The Harmonic Technology pro9 reference SE is a very good bi wire speaker cable that's what I use. Also comes in single wire connections as well. I forgot the name of the guy that sells them for a good deal in the states they're about $1,500 for an internal by wire set but if you don't need that it'll probably be a little bit cheaper. one of the reviewers a few years ago when Harmonic Technology first came out with the pro 9 put it up against this $30,000 speaker wire and he said that the pro 9 was better. and anybody that would pay 30-40 $50,000 for a piece of wire is a total idiot cuz what can you do to a wire to make it worth that much come on. like I said there's a sucker born every day and some people have more money that they don't know what to do with. But OCC single crystal wire has been proven for 30-40 years to be the best wire for audio.
PS you should switch out everything to OCC single-crystal, power cords interconnects everything it'll make a huge difference. And if you're going to go with harmonic tech go with the magic 3 interconnects and digital interconnects that's their top-of-the-line stuff.

Here is another perspective. First a bit of background we have been dealing with cables for a very long time. 

Our dealership started with Harmonic Tech, and then we moved to Acoustic Zen which was designed by Robert Lee who also designed Harmonic Tech first. The Acoustic Zen cable was better.

We then moved to Synergistic and Audio Quest, both of these wires were better. 

Lastly we moved to Nordost and then finally to Wireworld which was the best out of the wide ranging manufacturers.

The type of wire is just one element of a cables construction, most cable from the major companies use six nines or greater quality copper or silver which means that any impurities in the wire have been eliminated.

Your choice of dielectric,  shielding materials, alloy types, wire construction all matter as much as just the type of copper.

Brandon you should try to borrow other wire companies and judge for yourself. 

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ

First of all audio Troy not all companies use OCC single crystal wire.MIT and transparent don't and their wires sound awful and the companies you're saying all charge a fortune for it and acoustic Zen was never better than harmonic tech and Brandon if you want another good company try neotech, their parent company supplies mostly everybody with OCC single crystal wire. There's only three companies in the world that are licensed to produce OCC single Crystal 2 in Japan and one in Taiwan which is neotech.And don't let audio Troy tell you that anything ofc is going to be better than OCC cuz it's been proven for 30-40 years not to be the case. And as for manufacturing like I said neotech makes OCC cable for pretty everybody so it's all manufactured the same way now.the only difference you're going to get ripped off by companies like audioquest who are charging a fortune for single Crystal. Neotech and Harmonic Technology are the most reasonably priced the other ones are very expensive.