jg2077Aleph L very hard to get one, it was one of Nelson's favorite preamps.
With the Aleph there is an immediate and extremely noticeable improvement across the entire range.
Bit of a chameleon, it's passive preamp up till around 3 o'clock on the volume control after which if your system needed it, then turns slowly into active with varying gain up to full volume.
Nelson Pass
Unique to this preamp, patent pending, is a volume level control which combines the best qualities of a passive attenuator and active gain circuitry:
At the 3 o’clock volume control position, the Aleph L offers a direct path from input to output.
The only component in the signal path is wire and switch contacts.
At positions below 3 o’clock, the volume control functions as a precision passive attenuator using discrete resistor ladders.
Above 3 o’clock, active gain is added to the output signal in 2 decibel increments, for a
maximum of 10 dB.
As a result, you suffer the effects of active circuitry only when additional gain is necessary.
Cheers George