Sonus Faber Minima versus Cremona Auditor?

Reviews of both of these famous speakers abound, but has anyone heard both and can offer some insights into how they compare?

I'm looking for a serious upgrade for my bookshelves in my office, and am on a waiting list for both of these, in case either shows-up used here in Japan, which is rare.

My current set-up is a sweet Luxman L-550 pure class A (50 W@8 Ohms, 1981 model) fed by iDecco as DAC from iMac or iPod. replacing Quad 12L passives, which sit on my computer desk, but could mount the speakers on stands behind me in a small office room, about 3 X 4 Meters.

I'm more interested in general views of the differences between these two than how people might understand or imagine them to sound with my own gear. I can change my amp, etc later to better drive the speakers, if necessary.

It's not that the Minimas have more bass than the Auditors, they almost certainly have less. They do, however, have a mid-bass hump and less presence region energy than I recall hearing from the Auditors. The net effect is that the Minimas sound classically "warm", while the Auditors sound more neutral.

IMHO, a monitor that is neural over its (somewhat) limited range (all but deep bass) benefits when that range is extended by a subwoofer. Maybe just a personal preference.

Hello Marty - That sounds reasonable, though I haven't tried a subwoofer yet. My main floor speakers are at full volume still down to about 37 Hz before sharply dropping off, and that seems *almost* sufficient for me, maybe because I haven't experienced that last lower octave at home yet.

The idea of warm small speakers (Minimas) is appealing. I got a friend a pair of Rogers LS3/5a and have since felt I should have had a pair of those in my office. Those are very pleasant speakers. I've read that the Minimas are even nicer: more clarity but with that sort of involving, comfortable musical quality.

As for the Auditors, are they more like monitors? My mains are monitors. I love the clarity, but would like to counter with something really comfy.
Oh, maybe I didn't mention I'm looking for Sonus Fabers as small speakers that will often, though not always, be used with full-sized floor-speakers.

I want to like them independently, though, so that shouldn't be a big issue.

Just like opinions on the differences between these sets; Auditors vs Minimas at this point.

Do the Minimas compare at all with the Guarnieri Homages, or are those on an entirely different planet?
both are exceptional speakers, but I think the minima vintage re-issue returned for a reason. it rules.
I took a bullet train across a large chunk of Japan today to listen to a minty pair of Guanari Homages. MAN! What everyone says about they're kindness to the ears is really true!

I tried them with a Goldmund Mimesis 27ME Pre through twin Mimesis 8.2 power amps, and also with a Krell KSL-2 pre through the Goldmund 8.2's, in comparison to a Luxman L-550, my current amp, which is leagues lower than those in price and specs.

Both of the fancy amps were more detailed than my old Luxman. The Krell hit some shrill notes on violin concertos, female opera singers, and trumpets. Mind you, "shrill" through the Guaneris was a relative term. Much sweeter a "shrill" than with most speakers. I didn't like the sound so much with that Krell.

I was happily surprised that the highs through my old Luxman amp sounded nicer to my old ears than that super-pricey Goldmund stuff. The Goldmund stuff drove the bass better, thus making the music seem fuller, but the Luxman has trusty old tone controls, and turning the bass knob up came close to sounding just as good, as far as I could tell with ten men blabbing in Japanese around me, four men packing speakers with loud packing tape, trucks passing by the open doorway, and others trying speakers throughout the listeningroomless shop.

Classical strings, guitars, and human voices were second to no speaker I've ever heard (and that's LOTS). Somehow pianos didn't sound quite real to me, though, something I've found on all SF speakers I've listened to. They sound a bit too sweet, soft, and distant, lacking power and "wood" to me.

Some old Aretha Franklin, Beatles, Doors, and Cream albums sounded better to me than people say these speakers do rock, but Gang of Four and Stanley Clarke bass-slapping didn't quite cut it. There was definitely a lack of "slam" through these with the equipment I tried, but I listen to that sort a lot less than other genres.

There is a magical way they have of drawing you in, though. Humans are SO human through these. Acoustic instruments sound SO good. Lots of people who were there for other reasons or were supposed to be working sort of slouched over with comfy grins when I played Cassandra Williams or Eva Cassidy.

Overall, I'm very tempted to risk divorce (PRICE!!!) and buy these. Wish I could hear the much cheaper Minimas first, but those are just as rare here in Japan, apparently, and if I don't knab what's available its a year wait for the next pair....