Network Switches


Mitch2 10-31-2019

I would like to know why I would need a switch as discussed here, where I would use it, and what it would do for me. My knowledge of switches is basically non-existent, hence the dumb question.

@mitch2, in simple terms I would put it that a network switch that is typically used on an Ethernet network in a home environment can be thought of as a port expander. The Ethernet ports of multiple devices can be connected to it, and it would provide a path for communications between any two of them. Typically it would determine the device to which to send data “packets” it receives from one of the devices based on local IP addresses that are assigned to each device by a router. The router being one of the devices connected to the switch. Although routers commonly include switch provisions themselves, supporting several ports.

Obviously you don’t need that port expansion functionality in the application you’ve described. But as you’ve seen I and Atdavid have proposed explanations for why some audiophiles have reported finding that inserting a network switch into the path between their router and their audio system’s Ethernet port has been sonically beneficial.

In your case my guess, and it’s just a guess, is that since your DAC communicates with the upstream device it is connected to via I2S chances are that inserting a network switch further upstream won’t be worthwhile. But as a very inexpensive experiment you might consider purchasing a metal-enclosed network switch, such as the Netgear GS305, and inserting it into either of the two upstream Ethernet connection paths you described. A similar predecessor of that model was reported by two members in the thread I linked to in my initial post in this thread to have provided significant sonic benefit when inserted between their router and their Bricasti DAC.

Best regards,


I would like to know why I would need a switch as discussed here, where I would use it, and what it would do for me.

Buy a cheap second hand Cisco 8 port switch from eBay and connect it via Ethernet to your router. Connect your streamer etc to your network switch rather than directly to the router.   The result may surprise you. 
Thanks guys. 
There are indeed other devices connected to my router by Ethernet cables, such as a smart TV and an Apple TV box so what I believe you are implying is that a separate switch will perform the switching duties better than my Orbi router.
To make sure I am clear, should I run a single short Ethernet cable from my router to the switch and then connect the various TV devices, plus my Antipodes DX server, to the it that simple?
If I have it correct, then I will give it a try and report back.
Assuming it sounds better, am I to understand the next step that would further the sonic improvement would be to purchase an "audiophile" switch - isn't that the topic of this thread?
No, not better switching duties, but perhaps better noise isolation.

mitch22,069 posts10-31-2019 6:12pmso what I believe you are implying is that a separate switch will perform the switching duties better than my Orbi router.
My post was in reply to "there is no way the digital transmission can impact the audio" .... It was a thought exercise to show that yes, in fact, the method of digital transport can have unintended consequences that present themselves in the analog domain. I highly doubt something like this is implemented in any of the "audio" switches ... most of whose claims, other than reducing power supply and EMI, are questionable.

The pumping of the power supply rail with packet arrival is real and something I have seen in non-audio devices.

djones51667 posts10-31-2019 1:57pmFrom what I can gather from the links to the 3 switches mentioned in the OP the sotm switch is not a managed switch but a basic level 2 switch so I can’t see anyone being able to manage changing packet rates. I haven’t found as much on the other 2 but they look to be basic level 2 switches as well, perhaps someone has more info on them.