ADD-Powr by Coherence Systems --- Power Conditioning Products

Recent research into power conditioning approaches and products brought ADD-Powr to my attention. This company, and it’s products, were previously unknown to me.

The company, Coherence Systems, is based in Santa Monica, CA. and has been in business for some time.

An introduction and general overview can be found within their ’About Us’ page:

Nordost (in 2008) purchased the QRT technology that these folks developed.

Bill Stierhout is the proprietor / owner and the brains behind the ADD-Powr product line.
@sadono I have a Quad that is on a dedicated breaker. The Quad consists of a SR Blue Duplex and a SR Black Duplex.

The Corelli and my SR Active Grounding Block SE utilize the Black outlets.

The Sorcer X4 and the SR PowerCell utilize the Blue outlets.

The UberBUSS is connected to one of the outlets in the SR PowerCell.
Hi uberwaltz: I use Perfect Path Tech omega mats, e-cards, paste, Stop Its, and The Gate in my system. I recently installed four Electraclears, one into the AC outlet right next to my main breaker box where I also have The Gate plugged in. The other three are plugged into three dedicated line outlets feeding my audio system. The Electraclears play very nicely with all of  the Perfect Path stuff. The sound is now more dynamic and punchy, as well as a little more articulate and detailed without harshness or edginess. I hope to explore the more sophisticated products that Bill has to offer in the future.
On one of the outlets on my power conditioner I doubled up on using an ElectraClear to good effect. Similar to how I would add HF mc-0.5’s at the wall outlet. I got another ElectraClear coming that I will double up on another outlet where my dac is plugged and see how that goes. For the price of these ElectraClears they are a bargain.
Indeed, the ElectraClears are an amazing bargain. I have several distributed around my system and home, and there is a fullness and dynamism to the sound that is quite satisfying, whether the source is digital or analog, Even the OLED picture shows a startling improvement.
Even the wi-fi appears to be faster! Does anyone else notice the improvement to your computer image or wi-fi?

Also, the Symphony Pro adds another level of sonic tonic!

Yes, i have an ElectraClear plugged in where both my modem and router is and I definitely got not only an increase in clarity and presence on my stereo but also my tv picture where I stream movies from my Apple TV. 

How would you rate the increase performance of the Symphony Pro versus an ElectraClear?