I too, am not seeing the foul play here; however, it does pay to be vigilant none the less.
When I sell items on the USAM site, I specify that only USAM members only can contact me and notice at least 25% of people contacting me have newly registered that day, which is not an inspiring feeling, but it’s not a capital offense or scam either. I simply ask for more references until I feel comfortable.
After a few exchanges where we discuss audio gear, etc, I feel much more comfortable dealing with this new member. If ever in doubt, I’ll get a phone number and I’ll have a conversation with the prospective buyer or seller.
Ive purchased many audio items from Craigslist’s in far away cities and after speaking with those people; I’m super comfortable with the transaction and things have gone very smoothly.
Perhaps if we go back to picking up the phone and having conversations with prospective buyers and sellers, the experience will be more enjoyable and these paranoid posts of I think I got I was getting scammed here but not really because I didn’t lose any money could be eliminated.
Caveat Emptor, buyer beware, do your homework before you buy & sell, speak on the phone, do more in person transactions if possible & don’t judge others by a new account, and if it doesn’t feel right, don’t do it are the best solutions.