Weseixas . I appreciate the response. It means I hit a nerve. Good. My comprehension is fine. Please read the original post again as to what is being said. I am a very bright 7th grader, but please let us know when you are on the show smarter than a 5th grader. I will place my bets. As far as the show, I never left the room other than a bathroom break, and the room was packed at all times. By listeners, not the police. Several other exhibitors stopped by and took a seat. I had people who had purchased cds at the show asking me to play a tune, which I did. It was a great show for us and much fun. But you keep bashing and insulting. A result of issues growing up I am sure. As a member of other forums, just a handful of you, and only on Audiogon, are many times out of line. But if you have a God complex, there are other forums about that subjet, not involving music listening. LOL