@grannyring Bill, I went with Small Green Computer's internal bridge (i.e. within their server). They had offered it on my now older build. It is offered again on their most current i9 build but not on their i5 unit.
I prefer going through the internal (simple) bridge within the server versus using the switching capability of my Netgear Orbi Satellite. The differences aren't major but definitely noticeable and preferred.
I attribute the differences I hear as more likely due to the isolation of the server and the fact that it is powered off a dedicated LPS with a much, much better power cord.
The LPS to the Orbi Satellite is the same as the one to the server, however, it has dual DC outputs... both being utilized. As mentioned above, it is powered with a basic power cord. Due to the shape of the Orbi, I am unable to isolate it with the footers, etc. that I currently have.
I'm evaluating server choice. If I stay with Small Green Computer, I'll have them customize the build (including a higher quality internal bridge, if possible).