Daedalus Ulysses

I would like to hear comments from past or present owners or those familiar with Daedalus Ulysses speakers.
Well, I have to be real here. I'm sure the Apollo is a wonderful speaker but spending $23,000 for a pair is not possible for me. What I would be concerned with is the ability of the Ulysses to produce the tonally accurate, crisp and articulate sound of a cymbal played delicately. I want to be able to discern one cymbal timbre from another. Can they do that?
I have the model below the Ulysses , the Argos V2s . I haven't found anything "plastic sounding" about the bass , and , as Al characterized the Ulysses, the Argos are also a very balanced speaker. As far as the sensitivity, I drive the Argos with ease with either of these 3 which I rotate in and out every 3 weeks simply of the sound difference (room 28X20X10)

Line Magnetic 518 IA 22 wpc 845 tube based integratedFinale Audio 7189 MK2 22wpc EL84/7189 tube based integratedModwright LS100 pre & KWA100SE power (125wpc)

I just spent 30 minutes typing a post which disappeared when I tried to post it.  Grrrr!!  I will try again later.
Ha! Sorry for that, give me the cliffs notes version if you can. Thanks salectric!
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