Luxman M900U vs Ps audio BHK 300’s

I own a pr of BHK 300’s but looking to upgrade the LUX M900U. I’m looking for feedback from people who have had experience with both amps or at least the LUX amp. 
Thanks Mike.
@blumartini Thanks for your comments!  Without sidetracking too much, yes, I love the Lampizator Pacific DAC, and the line in general.  I had the Big 7 and Golden Gate prior, so I clearly resonate with Lukasz's sonic priorities.

Onto the amps, I am a little uncertain about the tonal spectrum comparison.  From your comments, I am gathering that you hear the Luxman as the more tonally neutral vs. the BHK's "romantic warmth".  But you also ascribe "tube sound" to the Luxman, and I usually think of that as imparting some romantic warmth.  This is a crucial distinction for me, as my TAD's do need some warmth to tame their character for my tastes, and I do like that I can tune the sound a bit with the BHK through the input tube choice.  I have opted for Amperex 6922 white labels from the 1960's that help with the warmth, without bringing the kind of dulling that I typically hear with a Mullard type of move.

So, the BHK is the warmer sounding of the two?  Is that correct?
@jbrrp1 I demoed the m900u + c900u + top Luxman DAC + TAD ME1 speakers. It was an incredible sound. Not bright, a perfect top end for my tastes.
@yyzsantabarbara Interesting.  I have not heard the ME1 to compare with my CR-1's, but I'm guessing they share a comparable presentation.  I do think it would be worth my while to hear the M900u in my system.  I just wish it were more convenient....
@jbrrp1 can give you a 2 month window to try at home for MSRP. Excel Audio Newport Beach are big on TAD and Luxman, They are about a minute from John Wayne airport.