Preamp recommendation

Are there any modern multichannel (5-7ch) preamps on the market currently? Something along the lines of parasound P7 and Mcintosh C45 (both discontinued)  Need this for home theater and 2 channel playback. Any recommendations? 

That would be called a surround processor. Check out Arcam they have a nice one.
If you like the Bryston sound, the SP3 processor is likely going to be an excellent candidate.  It has fully discrete Class A audio stages for BOTH the 7.1 RCA analog input stage as well as the fully balanced XLR analog output stages.  It is likely going to be the best 7.1 channel analog preamp you will find on today's market.
Bryston is around  4k used now. Anything under 1-2k used? Also need a 5 channel amp that would work with focal dome speakers without making them bright. Hoping to get both for around 2k total, used is ok.

Would a Parasound 5 channel amp sound good with focals?