What does one purchase after owning horns?

I have owned Avantgarde Uno's and sold them because of the lack of bass to horn integration. I loved the dynamics, the midrange and highs. Now faced with a new speaker purchase, I demo speakers and they sound lifeless and contrived. The drama and beauty of live music and even the sound of percussion insturments like a piano are not at all convincing. I have an $8k budget for speakers give or take a thousand. My room is 13'X26' firing down the length. Any good ideas will be appreciated. My music prefrences are jazz/jazz vocalist.
My Lascala's have been with me longer than any other speakers and / or gear for my main listening room. Other things have come and gone, but they have proven the test of time, and, enjoyment.
Come back in a year or so...if you've stopped, 'Forever' (chasing the Holy Grail), we'll believe you.
A 'Pause' is not like quitting...my Dad, (God Rest His Soul) used to say, 'I can stop smoking Larry, I've done it a dozen times.' Somehow, I think that applies here.
The jury's still out just yet.

Good listening,
Macrojack, what horns do you have? Be happy, in 40 plus years in audio, I have had eight different horn systems, but not now. I still love their speed and efficiency.
People almost always ignore comments such as Atmasphere's:

"Just to dispel a couple of common myths, Sound Labs are capable of impressive dynamics..."

This was my experience. I was actually, very, very pleasantly surprised at how dynamic they were. Just listening, if one didn't know the technology, I'm not sure that one would know they weren't dynamic/cone speakers.
I'm almost certain that my complaints about 'horn coloration' are also, likely, 'dated' and no longer applicable.
Two complaints have always been...'horn coloration', which I 'claim' to be able to hear that, (to me) characteristic 'horn sound'. That and the 'lack of dynamic' consistency between the horn and the bass 'drivers'.
There's this discontinuity that I've always heard between those different drivers.

So I'll ask--(Duke if he's out there), does this still exist? (Of course, given the great dynamics of the horn drivers, it 'has to exist'to some degree, otherwise the horn isn't doing what horns do). So the remaining question has to be, is it still a negative that's obvious? OR, has it been ameliorated to the point, in terms of 'blend' that it's no longer a fundamental issue? Was it ever? Anyone else hear that??

Just wondering.

Good listening,
Lrsky, having owned the big Sound Labs and many other electrostats, I don't question that they have 'impressive' dynamics but not the speed of horns, especially compression driver horns.

I should also say that all horn systems lack horn bass systems. Yes, such bass horns are very big.

I don't think we have yet 'blended' different drivers. I well remember Nelson Pass's full-range plasma speaker that landed him in the hospital and made me sick after about 15 minutes. It also had no dynamics. I was, of course, being fanciful in asking for a full-range point source driver with great efficiency. I don't expect this will happen in my lifetime.