Phono Pre Upgrade from Parasound JC-3?

Hi there,
I've owned my JC-3 for about two years and have no complaints about it.  It sounds very good, but I'm curious about upgrading to a preamp that would be a significant improvement.  
I've thought about upgrading to a tube phono preamp as I like the warmer sound of tubes and my amplifier is a Lyngdorf TDAI-3400.  
Given a budget of around $6K, what would you recommend?  
I got a BAT VK-P6SE I'm going to try.  If I don't like it I can return it so there's no risk.  Always wanted to audition one.  
snackyp, I own a Manley Steelhead and like it very much, but it is not balanced.  You say you were blown away when you bought balanced ICs.  Where did you install them?  From cartridge to phono inputs?  From phono out to linestage?  (Or from the JC3 to the amplifiers, assuming the JC3 is a full function preamplifier?)  The JC3 is truly balanced, I think. But its balanced circuitry does you only so much good if the downstream component is not also balanced.  That said, maybe you were pleased with the balanced cables simply because they are better cables, per se.  On the other hand, I am one who believes that balanced equipment should be used in balanced mode for best results.
I tend to agree with @mijostyn that you will have a hard time improving on the JC-3 at this price level, especially if balanced operation is required.

The Boulder 1008 would be a major step up, which I've compared head-to-head with the JC-3. Retail it's outside of your budget, but you might try and find one on the used market for around 6k. 

You can also consider Boulder's new 508, which apparently comes pretty close to the 1008 and retails for around 6k. However, it doesn't offer any flexibility with a fixed output at 66dB and a fixed 100 ohm load impedance. While these settings work well for most low out, low impedance MC cartridges, it may not suit your requirements.

@lewm I use the balanced cables between the JC3+ and a Lyngdorf TDAI 3400 amp, which is also balanced.