Klipsch speaker choices

First post here but long time 2 channel guy. 

I currently have a system with Klipsch RF3 speakers and a crossover with stereo subs.  Sound is good but I think the highs and mids are still a bit edgy.  Bought a Schiit Aegir with passive preamp and see vast improvement.  All my interconnects and speaker wire have also been upgraded. I just listened to the RF7 iii but very briefly.  Initial impression is it was more laid back but I am wondering how that speaker sounds vs the Heritage box speakers.  I will probably listen to the Heresy 4 first but wondering if there is a difference in sound between the tower and the box speakers. 

I also have read about the Tekton speakers but am hesitant since I can't listen to them.  It is all over the place opinion wise about the Tektons.  The Klipsch Heresy are within driving distance for an audition.  They will have several models to listen to if I talk myself into going further up the cost ladder.  Any opinions would be greatly appreciated. 
Are you sure wolf's post is not directed at you mrd? After all I think it was you who said "I am a gifted and experienced listener". I would suggest that it is the Klipsch crowd who are the "uber sensitive". I dont recall Wilson or Magico fanboys responding as aggressively and claiming dominion over any thread mentioning their speakers of choice. Obviously you guys like Klipsch and I dont there is not much else to say I guess.  
Jsauter...you will be sorely missed...farewell and good luck. Also, Klipsch speakers are often "uber sensitive" so maybe that's what you read. A pun?...well hell yes.
Post removed 

While the ringing of the metal that horns are most-often made of (there are a few guys making them out of wood) is what any coloration heard from them is attributed to, the dimensions of the horn itself is more responsible for the coloration. It's a very technical matter, but information about the effects of horn throats on sound is available for anyone willing to dig to find it.

But ALL loudspeakers are colored, in one way or another, and in varying degrees. We all pick the coloration we find least objectionable, and learn to live with it. Very much like a wife ;-) .