Need help Choosing A New Interconnect

I have a McIntosh C2500 Tube preamp with a McIntosh MC302 solid state amp driving a pair of Golden Ear Triton References speakers. I have had this system for a couple of years and I have noticed that that sparkle in the highs is gone. I noticed it after I replaced my half as powerful MC152 for the MC302. I do know that the MC302 was a little soft in the highs as read in reviews and talking to other McIntosh owners. I thought it may be tubes, so I rolled in a few different brands, some NOS and some not in the tube preamp. Although I heard differences, it wasn’t what I was after. I bought 2 new McIntosh branded tubes for the line stage and they broke in fine but it sounds the same as it was originally. I have tone controls but prefer not to have to use them, but if I do I have to put the treble at +2db..

I tried a couple of Nordost cables but found they made the entire system sound lean. I use a full loom of Groneberg Quattro Reference cables and really like the sound. I want to get a cable that won’t alter the bass or midrange and just give me that little bit of sparkle in the treble that is missing. I have already tried Nordost Red Dawn interconnects, Red Dawn Leif series interconnects, Audio Art IC-3 interconnect, Audioquest King Cobra Interconnects, MIT AVT1 interconnects. I also tried a Kimber Silver Streak but it made the entire system too bright.  None of these cables have given me what I want. Also, whatever cable I get needs to be 1.5 meters with RCA's all ends and sell for not more than $500.00 new. Used would be even better as I could get a lot more for $500.00. I am looking for suggestions from you ladies and gents from what I have stated above. I would appreciate some help...………..Thank you.


Thank you for the tip.  I will look into them.

Sorry if this may sound unhelpful but using the interconnects as a tone control is really no different from using the tone control(s) on the preamp. Actually, the controls on the preamp (probably) provides more "control" over the tone than any interconnect can provide.
IC’s and cabling are no tone controls, but they can introduce bit of noise and signal alteration on their own, on a subtle level. Yet it’s different to what tone controls do as what cable can do is subtle. Change to tonal balance as heard is mainly psychoacoustic, our brain reacting to specific subtle signature which cable introduces because of its imperfection. Ideal cable is no cable, ideal connector is no connector, yet we need both cable and connectors so one wants best possible result for the money invested. Sparkle in the highs in sound should be natural sparkle as present on recordings, which was not killed by cable transmission or any other link in the chain. Basically it’s one of the tell-tale signs that cable is doing its job well.
After a lengthy conversation with Chris at VH Audio, and “Duster” on Audio Asylum, I decided to go with Chris’s V Twist CU24 cable and ETI Links RCA connectors in a 5 foot cable. He will be building it next week and ship out at the end of week.