What does one purchase after owning horns?

I have owned Avantgarde Uno's and sold them because of the lack of bass to horn integration. I loved the dynamics, the midrange and highs. Now faced with a new speaker purchase, I demo speakers and they sound lifeless and contrived. The drama and beauty of live music and even the sound of percussion insturments like a piano are not at all convincing. I have an $8k budget for speakers give or take a thousand. My room is 13'X26' firing down the length. Any good ideas will be appreciated. My music prefrences are jazz/jazz vocalist.
You're right of course.
Being a dillitante is part of the audiophile sickness, one that I certainly have.
I really did have to design my own speakers, to have something that I didn't grow tired of.
The issue is now, I didn't make them 'no holds barred', cost NO object.
The closest were the one off LSA10's.
Those remain, one of the very best speakers I've heard...topped only in certain ways, by VERY expensive designs.
They weren't cheap, would have had to sell for $50K at least, and that was based on plate aluminum/cnc cutting for that plate aluminum at an aerospace company.
So, yeah, it's a blessing AND a curse to hear and quantify to an exacting level, but I love music so much, I try to just slide into the music and not critique.

Good listening,
I have tweeters in my B&C DCX 50 coax drivers but I have never hooked them up to an amp. If anything is missing, I don't miss it.
Agree Tbg when last checked topped out at 16K myself and Dome tweeters are not at a disadvantage when used in the typical home environment and listening distance..
Unsound, with respect to

Even without things like vented baskets, and ferrofluid cooling, dynamic tweeters are typically capable of providing more than enough volume for typical rooms.

IMO the issue is one of how relaxed the sound is. Its been my experience that the system should lack the quality of 'being loud' and instead should seem to not sound very loud, even when (by most audiophile standards) it is. It is a fact that electronic reproducers tend to add artificial loudness cues to the sound, making it hard to sit in the room when peaks are hitting 100db. But an orchestra can hit 120 db peaks so it seems to me that if a system is able to do that without stress or strain (IOW it is **relaxed**) at such volumes, then we would be far more likely to play the system at higher volumes.

One of the first things I noticed upon installing a horn system (Classic Audio Loudspeakers) was the simple fact that without any particular intention, we tended to play the system at much higher sound pressures than we had done with the previous dynamic speaker, **even though we had the power to play the dynamic speaker at higher volumes**. This simple fact of the matter was the horns didn't **sound** loud, even though they were in fact playing louder.

This is why I make such a big deal about loudness cues. Making sure they are not distorted by the playback system IMO/IME separates the wheat from the chaff.