What does one purchase after owning horns?

I have owned Avantgarde Uno's and sold them because of the lack of bass to horn integration. I loved the dynamics, the midrange and highs. Now faced with a new speaker purchase, I demo speakers and they sound lifeless and contrived. The drama and beauty of live music and even the sound of percussion insturments like a piano are not at all convincing. I have an $8k budget for speakers give or take a thousand. My room is 13'X26' firing down the length. Any good ideas will be appreciated. My music prefrences are jazz/jazz vocalist.
Before Y'all go calling Unsound and Weseixas trolls, consider the fact that their advocacy is what keeps certain parts of this community on their respective toes. I for one value their input, even though I often disagree. If they can present an argument that has merit, I feel that it should be considered.

I used to have a very similar viewpoint about horns as Unsound as often expressed:

horns can play louder than most any other loudspeakers, but they're a one trick pony, IMHO, sounding completely obnoxious in every other regard.

Now that I no longer agree with this comment is only based on my experience have having to re-visit what horns are about. This is experiential, and we don't all have the same experience. IMO/IME, it is probably more important to sort out why that is the case- I think we can learn more if we look at it that way.

BTW- I was the one that mentioned the 120 db. If an orchestra can do it, we should be able to in the home too. That we are not there yet ( 'turn that !@#$%^ down!' ) says a lot about the weaknesses in our technology.
The OP has gotten out of horns and now the church attempts to drag him back in by flaming others.

Dan_ed, John-k, it appears the mods allow you guys to flame others without recourse. John-K why don't you try backing up your rhetoric with some real data, I mean you claim a lot, show something, instead you choose to flame others..

I'm not here promoting any topology, I have never told anyone to switch from horns, ESL, ribbons , Thiels or anything for that matter. It doesn't matter what you or the others think sound the "best", that's the choice we all have and make when we put together " our" system.

What i will not let pass is the Phoobie dust science you guys spew for reality, no! i will not allow such to go uncheck and i know enuff about horns to know they do not work for me, preferring speakers which are more time and phase coherent with low coloration...

Dig !!!

*Regular dome tweeters don't handle very much power (2 watts is common)………
*There are of course many tweeters than handle more than 2 watts,……….
*But 2 watts is indeed quite common……..

- Atmasphere

Ahh err, OK so let me see if i get this right, so as not to misquote you again.

Regular dome tweeters don't handle very much more than 2 watts, but many tweeters do and 2 watts is quite common?

OK so one can conclude that regular and common only handle 2 watts, but "many" handle more, so if one wants a tweeter that handle's more than 2 watts one would get a "many " tweeter and stay away from the "Regular" and "common" models.

Seriously Ralph forget about OTL Tubes and negative feedback, you are on to something better than Redbull.

Mrdecibel, your presumptions are quite amazing. Once again, the zealots make it personal.

Atmasphere, I think you meant to say more sensitive than a dome tweeter not efficient.

For eg,

ESL's are very efficient in the bass, so there will be some some synergy with your high output impedance OTL's..
