Honest opinions on my two picks of loudspeakers

So I wanted to see what most of you thought or what your pick would be between the Revel Salon 2 towers and the McIntosh XR100's I'm torn between both with looks and performances with my choice leaning more toward Mac since I'd be powering them with the 452 and the whole matching thing, but I will also be pushing these quite hard at times (rock-metal) and I want a well built power capable speaker for the long haul..I was considering Wilson's as well and have not cut them out just wanted some respectable opinions on my two narrowed down choices we all are familiar with pricing and these two options have a considerable difference between the two so I'm torn which is the better bang for my bucks!! 

Thanks all..
Obviously a man who believes that he who hesitates is lost.
I was going to suggest that Klipsch sounded like a very
good match for you.However, I tend to think that this whole thread
is out of someone's imagination though. Pretty good one!!!
I’m dyed in the wool a JBL fan for the last 30 years. A set of K2 s9900 brand new in the box on ebay . $ 23,000.00 
I would assume those would destroy the other two choices. 
Love the McIntosh “Doctor and Lawyer” response. It gets me every time!!! 
Spec wise, they’re pretty similar.  You’re not going to suffer with either choice,   I’d go for the Mac’s simply because they’re $10K cheaper.

 (PS:  I own a set of McIntosh LS350 from the 1990’s.  They’re amazing - and huge.    I don’t currently use them because they’re super inefficient and I’m in a tube phase.  PPS: I’m not college educated or a doctor or lawyer but I have a few on my payroll.)