What does one purchase after owning horns?

I have owned Avantgarde Uno's and sold them because of the lack of bass to horn integration. I loved the dynamics, the midrange and highs. Now faced with a new speaker purchase, I demo speakers and they sound lifeless and contrived. The drama and beauty of live music and even the sound of percussion insturments like a piano are not at all convincing. I have an $8k budget for speakers give or take a thousand. My room is 13'X26' firing down the length. Any good ideas will be appreciated. My music prefrences are jazz/jazz vocalist.
Not all horn speakers are the same. Some are better than others. I have not heard all of them. If I had, I could offer one person's opinion, only one person's opinion. Some of you seem to feel that you are speaking on behalf of many people when you express your opinion. Likewise, can it even be called an opinion if it is not sufficiently informed?

Very few of you have ever heard horns like mine and I would bet that none of you have spent significant time with them. They are quite scarce. Yet outright blanket condemnation is proffered by members who have found some other kind of horn inadequate or offensive.

It's like basing your opinion about women on an overheard conversation between Rosie O'Donnell and Donald Trump. Yes, one of them is a woman - I'll leave it to you to figure out which is witch.

Weseixas and Unsound are a sad fact of life. Party crashers with bad intentions will always arrive just when the collective mood is at its most ebullient. As Dan-Ed has pointed out repeatedly, those two show up to drop a turd in the punchbowl every time the word "horn" appears in a thread title. They seem unable to help themselves. In their minds, we need their sobering influence. In my mind, they need to evaporate.
And so it came to pass...
That after an eon of disagreement, the horn lovers were verily converted to dynamic speakers, and alas, the dynamic lovers...you guessed it, fell in love with HORNS!

Play nice guys, there's nothing important enough about audio to make someone angry--it's a hobby.

Good listening, and PEACE
Larry - Those guys continually invade church services and harass the faithful about their beliefs, all the while calling them zealots. If they are of a different faith, let them stay at home and worship as they see fit.

Do a search of horns and you will see that they both do the same tiresome thing every time a thread concerning horns appears.

As Dan-Ed said, we are all aware that they don't like horns. There is no need for perpetual harassment from them.
Like a fly that I swatted several times, but keeps returning to annoy me. Not a wasp, bee or mosquito, because they inflict pain, but just a fly, a regular household fly, just an annoyance....shoo shoo.