Network Switches

@david_ten  : thanks for your post on Sonore. I was replying to someone else. 

I am very familiar with the company. I currently own two opticalModules from them and SGC linear power supplies. Over the years, I have owned other products for them, including microRendu, ultraRendu, and SGC server (i5).
I have been using Sonare products since the first day the microRendu became available. After I used the Rendus' I became confident that, FOR ME, the Rendu isolated the computer processing from the audio signal. What I mean is that a busy CPU did not correlate with a degraded audio, FOR ME. Unlike a direct USB connection from the CPU to the DAC. I listen 8 hours a day M-F for years with the Rendu.  The Rendu's are awesome products. BTW - I said FOR ME.

I have not bought the Optical yet because I am waiting for any bugs to work themselves out. Only issue for me now is that the next DAC (demo of speakers upcoming) I get may already have an RJ45 Ethernet streaming built-in (noisy) so I may live with that until I get more funds.
@thyname Given your history with the Sonore products what is your opinion on the Sonore products and their place in this thread's discussion about Network Switches. My experience will have me continue to stay with the Rendu.
Oh they are great! As I said, I currently own a pair of opticalModules. In terms of streamers and servers, I was very happy with Sonore solutions, but I ended up getting an Innuos ZENith MK3 last January, that works well for me, and takes care of both streaming and "serving" (and CD ripping)