Any recommendations for aftermarket C-7 power cord for Bluesound Node 2i

Looking for help on finding a better sounding C-7 power cord for my Node.  I have read about Audioquest, Pangea, Cullen, Shunyata, etc.  I have even looked at making my own.  Any suggestions or experience with good C-7 cords would be greatly appreciated! Thanks
I use a Wireworld Electra Mini C7 with the Node ~ good results. But I would first try a VooDoo C7 adapter with your existing power cords.
Tried Audioquest, Pangea. Wireworld mini Stratus,  Wireworld mini Aurora and Signal Cable magic digital.
The Signal cable and Wireworld Mini Aurora are both great match with the Node 2i. 
I kept the WW mini Aurora only because it was longer. 
I'm very pleased with my Cullen C7. I also auditioned 
Wireworld, which was excellent, but the Cullen has such an expansive soundstage.

Considering Wireworld Mini-Electra, Cullen C-7, and Voodoo Vision Digital Cable for Vault 2. Already use Wireworld Starlight 7 ethernet cable from wall port to Vault. Vault plugs into Furman PFI20 power conditioner. Rest of system is described in my profile. One concern is that Voodoo cable might be so heavy/stiff that it pulls Vault off shelf or raises one end. Curious to get thoughts of group.
PSWant to add that I prefer sound that is precise, dynamic and energetic to sound that is warm but woolly.