Network Switches

That EtherRegen does seem like something interesting if you have an RJ45 input in your DAC with a built-in Roon Ready Media Server in the DAC, such as a Lyngdorf 3400 integrated. If you used the Sonore USB based output products on this Integrated you would be wasting money by not using the built-in RJ45 streaming of the DAC.
Exactly why it is on my very interested list as my EX8 has just that input for streaming too.
@uberwaltz : I used to have the Ayre QX-5 Twenty. So I can freely speak about it. The QX-5 Twenty had the Ethernet "bridge" built in. However, it sounded better (to me) when using the USB input with a good external streamer, than the built in Ethernet bridge. But that is just me. You can try it for yourself (assuming you have a good quality USB streamer / end point).
Right now I do not, once I bought the EX8 I sold off all the equipment that this unit replaced, DAC, Headphone amp etc.
However I have tried the USB input from my iPad mini2 using Amazon UltraHd tracks and I have to admit that it sounded pretty darn good to say the iPad is streaming over my wifi network.
So yes I am of an open mind as obviously the EX8 trying to be a swiss army knife cannot hope to compete with more costly item specific units.
Yeah... I agree in your case there is no need to maintain other devices. The Ayre EX-8 would indeed take care of everything as one-box solution. Enjoy!
Does anyone actually have and use an EtherREGEN yet  or all they all on order still?  I'm just very curious to read some reviews of actual users.