Network Switches

@thyname Ok, USB to the endpoint makes it super clear. I got confused thinking RJ45 to the endpoint was the goal.

I understand there are some clocking things (beyond my pay scale of understanding) that the EtherREGEN does but I wonder how it compares with the following for USB end point streaming. So taking the EtherREGEN + OpticalRendu scenario you described and comparing with the following:   (or EtherREGEN) (Fiber Optical  Output for either one)


Sonore Signiture Rendu SE Optical -> USB DAC input

Or to go a little crazy and compare with (non-USB end point)  (or EtherREGEN)  (Fiber Optical Output for either one)


Lumin X1 using Fiber Optical DAC input

In the future, I see a lot more DACs with a Fiber optical input. Just 3 years ago I was wondering if RJ45 DAC input was the future over USB.
I don't know. I cannot possibly try them all. I have an Innuos ZENith MK3 and a DAC with USB input, so I look for potential solutions that may improve that particular set up. It's worth experimenting and trying different things. It's a hobby, so it's fun
Have anyone compared between local file playback and streaming media?

@windowsx   Since you are in the 'biz' how about sharing your findings and thoughts on the question you ask?

I'm 100% streaming so I do not have results to share. 

Many find their local files to be superior.  [???Notwithstanding the rigorousness / equivalency of (or lack thereof) their comparisons???]