Hello all, years gone by I worked for Marcof, some of you may remember the moving coil head amps. At one time Nagoaka asked us to develop a Head Amp for this cartridge. They sent us one, we did a few hours of testing, but only 2 or so hours of listening. So I have a Nagatron HV9100 Ribbon phono cartridge in mint condition in its original box and it is completely spec'd out with full graphs....
It has been gone so long.... Thinking about selling it off, anyone out there have an idea of its value? If it is worth much, I'll list it for sale here, If not, it has been resting fine. Thanks for any replies. Tim
Hi Tim,

What a pity ! Ribbon cartridges are not easy to find , this one was sold in Japan as the Jeweltone JT-RII , I have seen a Denon patent for a ribbon cartridge , but it never went into production. It seems that the JT-RII was designed by Sugano , who later designed the Koetsus ( according to Jean Hiraga ).

I have one of these, it needs repairing , but can't find anyone to do the work , do any of you know of anyone that can repair them ? thanks 
what needs to be repaired on it?  I have one that also needs a new stylus assembly and have not gotten much past that.  It is missing the cantilever and it appears as if the suspension has "dissolved" to give no indication where / how the cantilever was fixed.  The cantilever then rests (presumably with a damper) in a "cradle" that moves the ribbons but without more detailed info on how everything integrates, it sits in a box.  In practice it looks like the Sao Win or first panasonic strain gauge cartridges but beyond that info is sparse.

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