I've got a visual memory for the most part. My spouse Ev has one good at events and when they occurred. I kid her that, between the 2 of us, we have an entire one. *L*
She'll be watching a movie..."This is So Interesting, maybe you'd..."
"I hope so..we've seen it twice together before. In the next scene..."
"What? Oh..."
"....he's just about to kiss her. *chuckle* What happens next is 'typical Hollywood hook-up'...."
....and I get the 'smart ass' look....*shrug*.
But, to her credit, she can remember in great detail something we did (or didn't) do 5 or 15 years ago.
Anyway...enough...*S* Stay healthy; it's been interesting but not anything I can recommend to go through.
I enjoy the general attitude and commentary here @ AG. I Do learn and get exposed to the current level of the 'state of the art'.
Sometimes the 'art' outweighs the 'actuality' of the equipment under discussion IMHO, but I'm willing to let one or many enjoy what they may perceive.
I don't have to agree with Everything; but I'd like to be given the same latitude.
She'll be watching a movie..."This is So Interesting, maybe you'd..."
"I hope so..we've seen it twice together before. In the next scene..."
"What? Oh..."
"....he's just about to kiss her. *chuckle* What happens next is 'typical Hollywood hook-up'...."
....and I get the 'smart ass' look....*shrug*.
But, to her credit, she can remember in great detail something we did (or didn't) do 5 or 15 years ago.
Anyway...enough...*S* Stay healthy; it's been interesting but not anything I can recommend to go through.
I enjoy the general attitude and commentary here @ AG. I Do learn and get exposed to the current level of the 'state of the art'.
Sometimes the 'art' outweighs the 'actuality' of the equipment under discussion IMHO, but I'm willing to let one or many enjoy what they may perceive.
I don't have to agree with Everything; but I'd like to be given the same latitude.