The 5 stages of making a bad audio purchase

This is tongue in cheek people, so let’s keep the replies light shall we?
The 5 Stages of Making a Bad Audio Purchase:

1. Denial: "My system, which before was of course totally awesome, is now totally awesomer! The sound stage isn’t just 3 dimensional any more, it is 4 dimensional. I can feel fingers sliding across guitar strings, drums are like my head is against the snare, and the bass goes 10hz lower ...."

2. Anger: "WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU DON’T BELIEVE MY SYSTEM WENT FROM AWESOME TO AWESOMER!!!. You obviously have a crap system, your ears are crap, you are just jealous."

3. Bargaining: "Hey, this gadget will make your already awesome system totally awesomer! 60% of MFR list is a great deal for it! That’s 40% off and you don’t even have to pay tax. I am only selling it because I am upgrading to the even awesomer version 2. My loss is your gain."

4. Depression: "I can’t believe I spent $5,000 on this thing ....."

5. Acceptance: "Sure, 75% off list is fair."
Oh, please! See? That’s exactly what I’m talking about. Definition of an expert - someone who used to be a drip under pressure. You’ve been following the wrong, you know.....

🐑 🐑 🐑

geoff is just baiting you to validate his existence. He is a classic troll, and the best way to deal with them is to starve them.
geoffkait has made many interesting and educational audiophile posts which I appreciate.  Then he goes off on I'm right and you're wrong attitude which is shear arrogance.  I've had much worse trolls that put me down on a personal, race and religion basis. 

Headphone listening has it's place and is a substitute for a dedicated listening room.  I prefer listening with dynamic music in the room rather than close to my eardrums.  I also like to feel the bass/air movement if it's present.  Since I am a part time mastering engineer for the aforementioned symphony, chamber group and many choirs, I depend on a good set of headphones since I don't have a mastering studio to work in.  
"My listening room cost exceeded $500/sq. ft."
What the heck is that? It is silly.

My bathroom can beat up your listening room.

I did recently buy a record remastered by Kevin Gray. If you see him, tell him there is a satisfied customer out there.