Bi Wiring mandated on Triangle Comete ES?

Hello, I know bi-wiring is a hot topic here . Please tread lightly as I am not very proficient in audio tech "speak"
Here is my dillema:
I was given a pair of 20+ year old Triangle Comete ES speakers , they have the (4) bi wire connectors .
Trying to hook up to my new Cocktail audio X30 system using single wire ( Straight Wire brand, simple don't judge me here) .
Problem is when I hook to the top ALL I get is treble and when I hook to the bottom ALL I get is bass.
So is it possible that these speakers were designed that Bi wiring is mandated for them to work?  Rather than buy new Bi-Wire cables would it be less expensive to try jumpers?  (Nordost perhaps?) 
Any advise is appreciated. For now everything just sounds like shite ....... 

I hate to ask a dumb question, but you did connect jumpers between the top and bottom?

no jumpers , I am arriving at conclusion that this is the problem.
i will have to buy a pair , so if my speaker cables are bananas should I get spade jumpers or banana? I'm not going to spend hundreds on jumpers  . your suggestions and feedback are very much appreciated!