Mr. Eels
It must emote.
Ha ha! That’s priceless!
It must emote.
Ha ha! That’s priceless!
The 5 stages of making a bad audio purchase
geoffkait, Dyslexia? I am trying to give you an out here. Work with me. You basically said exactly what I said, with a lot more words, then said I didn't say that. Did the word "liked" give you trouble? English is not my first language so I may not always use words properly :-)
Are you sure it is your first language? I expect just about anyone who reads it will understand what I mean with more than enough clarity for it to be useful. As I used the word liked, correctly for my intended purposes, I was clearly stating that I was making a subjective evaluation. By saying I have never heard a "best" system, even putting best into quotation marks, I am also noting that "best" carries a subjective connotation. Perhaps there is an English word you could help me with, being an English first speaker? Pedantic. |