Fake Furutech speaker cables?

Hello from Italy,
I have just purchased a pair or Furutech Evolution II speaker cables from an ebay unofficial dealer in Japan.
The construction is great and the sound is good but something with the packaging got me supicious.
No seals and no documentation at all.
Does anyone of you owns these cables and could send some pictures (cables and packaging)?

No help provided by Furutech and VH Audio for the same reason: unofficial dealer. I will keep searching a owner.
Good construction.
Replacing a pair of original Nanotec SP#79 mk4 EX. More dynamics and clearness now.
Just found pictures on google images, cable and packaging look the same.
I am still not sure ...
The pictures on google images could be of fake cables. It seems that the authorized dealers want you to buy from them, as they should and won't verify your decision to buy elsewhere, as they should. If the cables sound good to you, perfect, no matter.
I have purchased Furutech rhodium power plugs and recently a Furutech HDMI cable from Japan sellers on ebay and have never had a problem.  The items delivered were real Furutech items.  However, there are still going to be a high number of FAKE products from a variety of japanese and chinese (mostly chinese) sellers.

NOTE: the HDMI cable I got came in a very nice Furutech padded box. It did not have documentation (but who needs documentation for a cable?!?)_