Almarg, What formula did you use to calculate the Johnson noise of a phono cartridge?@lewm
Hi Lew,
I performed that calculation in two different ways, and got the same result both ways:
Method 1: The section of the Wikipedia writeup on Johnson noise that is sub-titled "Noise Voltage and Power" contains an equation for rms noise voltage which makes clear that rms noise voltage over a given bandwidth at a given temperature is proportional to the square root of the product of that bandwidth and the resistance which is responsible for the noise. That section also states as follows:
For a 1 kΩ resistor at room temperature and a 10 kHz bandwidth, the RMS noise voltage is 400 nV.[6]
Footnote 6 indicates that a more exact result is about 403.6 nanovolts, or 0.4036 uV (microvolts).
I then extrapolated from that number to the result corresponding to the 12 ohm resistance of my cartridge, over a 20 kHz bandwidth:
0.4036 x [square root [(12 ohms/1000 ohms) x (20 kHz/10 kHz)]] = 0.0625 uV
0.0625 uV is 78 db less than the 500 uV rating of my cartridge, since:
20 x log(0.0625/500) = -78 db
Method 2: I started with the following paper, although it pertains to microphone amplifiers:
The paper states that:
The noise generated by a 10k ohm resistor (based on the thermal noise formula above) is around 1.8 uV (-114 dBV).
I assumed they were referring to a 20 kHz bandwidth, or at least to something of that order of magnitude. I then extrapolated from the 1.8 uV/10K numbers to the 12 ohm resistance of my cartridge in a manner similar to Method 1 above, and after converting to db relative to the 500 uV rating of my cartridge I got the same 78 db result.
Best regards,
-- Al