Network Switches

Please remind us of your digital front end chain? How is it incorporated in your rig.   Thanks. 
For now:

Router ----> Ethernet cable (copper) ----> opticalModule ---> fiber cable ---> feeding A side SFP module / cage on EtherREGEN ----> Ethernet Cable out of the B-side on EtherREGEN ---> Innuos ZENith MK3 (as Roon Server and endpoint) ---> USB cable out to DAC (MSB Discrete)
If I am using a pair of FMC’s ie. TP Link MC100CM’s at router and then a BJC CAT6 to a single source ie. an Aries streamer, does adding a switch somewhere to the chain make a difference? Or does going fibre with the FMC's already provide enough isolation to cover it.

I only have a single source.