the clue by Sjofn HiFi at RMAF

Hey, first off, full disclosure. I'm a friend of Sjofn Hifi, but have no financial interest in their business. OK, that said, was anyone at RMAF and went into room 427 to listen to (the clue)? I was there helping out for the weekend and the first time I heard it I was stunned. I'm interested in hearing anyones comments about what they thought...

Anyone hear anything else they loved?
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My friend and I thought they were a joke. We were out of that room in less than a minute. We just didn't get why anyone would want to listen to these.
Anybody else get to hear (the clue)? Looks like a very clever design. I'm curious how resolving or "fast" they can be with that room coupling design. Also, you tend to think, in conventional speaker terms, that near-wall placement sacrifices stage depth. Any impressions?
Anybody using these in their rig these days? Interested to hear how they're working out for you, if so. Thanks!