Looking for inexpensive preamp

So here is the current gear
Paradigm Premier 800F most of the time, sometimes KEF R100 for SpeakersArcam FMJ P35 AmplifiersRotel 1066 Pre-amp
I feel the Rotel is currently the weak link.  Does anyone have any thoughts on a good replacement.  Not afraid of used.
I am considering going to the KEF Q750s but that is still down the road.
I like a warmer sound, I like detail but too bright and I can get annoyed.
Music ranges are all over the board.  Disturbed to Stravinsky.  Although no Rap or Opera.  Prefer Folk and acoustic.

Trying to stay under 1k $$$$
Second Van Alstine but if out of your price range have a look at Y S Audio out of Hong Kong. I had their basic tube pre for a number of years and with a tube change to NOS RCAs it was great, almost as good as the Van Alstine I bought to replace it. And all for well under $1000.
Placette RVC, if you only need one input.  It’s a plain and simple volume control, nothing else. And if you want balanced control, just get two Placette RVCs.
I just A/B tested both the Freya+ and the Saga+ for a week in my system. I ended up sending the Freya+ back and keeping the Saga+. For my preferred music (female vocal, acoustic guitar, classical chamber, acoustic jazz/flamenco) there was nothing the Freya+ did sonically that the Saga+ didn't do equally well or better. I don't have long cable runs and my components are not fully balanced end-to-end. I also have just three sources: cd, streamer and line-in for room eq. so the Freya's versatility was overkill for me. Bottom line, I just kept selecting the Saga+ to stay on even when not actively testing and not the Freya+. Turns out that a little googling of blogs will tell you that some of the Schiit folks feel the same way. They built the Freya+ for those who require a fully balanced preamp but the Saga+ is the one they take home at night (so to speak). One theory is that the single tube results in a simpler circuit compared to four tubes and that sounds better because there is less going on. Who knows? I just like the Saga+ sound a little better.
there was nothing the Freya+ did sonically that the Saga+ didn't do equally well or better.
That maybe.
From a technical view point there is quite a difference in favor of the Freya in distortion, noise, output impedance, also the Freya has a 128 step volume control vs the Saga 64 and the Freya's power supply looks more sophisticated, and has two transformers.

Cheers George
The cheapest way is to purchase a nad amp or such with blown pa.
One with lots of inputs and control with the links to connect pre/power section.
Remove the links and use the preamp.
You will have a retro nad sound to blow your mind.
I love our disposable market!