Lumin D2 or Mytek Brooklyn Bridge for Tidal, Quboz

Hi folks,
I am considering upgrading from my Node 2 for streaming Tidal or Quboz. Right now I do not have a separate dac and I use the Node 2's dac. Does anyone have any experience with both the Lumin D2 and Mytek Brooklyn Bridge and can give their opinions in regards to sound quality between the two? Or should I just get a separate dac and feed the Node 2 into that? I do like the one box solution though. Thanks for your thoughts. 
Petware; in a nutshell, the Sabre chips are perceived as brighter and livelier while the Wolfson's are thought to be warmer and more musical. This is a generalization that not everyone agrees with and the common wisdom is that the overall implementation and analogue sections of the DAC's can have at least as much effect on the overall perceived tonality.
Listen to the Sabre chips from the guys who know those chip better than anyone else, , they helped design the chips. I have only heard the Mirrus DAC and it is amazing. Not bright at all, an amazingly detailed but also relaxing sound.
I had the Lumin D1 and A1, and now have the Mytek Brooklyn+ and Manhattan II (but have also ordered a Lumin X1).

The Lumin streamers are very good but I think the Wolfson dac chip is a bit dated now and the latest generation of ESS chips are much better.

I would take the Mytek over the Lumin D2 without hesitation. 

However, the Lumin T2 would be another matter, and could be an improvement on the Brooklyn if you can stretch the budget. 
Sorry for being a bit late into the discussion but if you already have a Node 2 then just buying a Mytek Brooklyn DAC or DAC+ would probably be the cheapest way. I already have a Node 2i and a Brooklyn DAC (not the + one), you guys think it would be worth it for me to sell off these and get myself a Lumin D2?