new GAN amplifier

LSA Voyager GAN 200.

200w into 8 ohms

400w into 4 ohms

???w into 2 ohms

And it’s a different amplifier when done, and not indicative of a comparison of two sets of output devices .... sunshine. Yes, lets get back to the OPs topic which you side-tracked ....

georgehifi6,190 posts11-15-2019 2:13pmMany (me included) just don’t like Mosfet sound.
Listen to some older Threshold Pass amps that used bi-polars, you’ll change your mind.

Cheers George

Post removed 
Post removed Nov 19, 2019
That was too strong for him could have caused him mental damage, it wasn’t going to help.

Yes, lets get back to the OPs topic which you side-tracked ...
 🤦‍♂️ whatever
I had this debate with George on another thread, that concerned the purchase of an older Rowland amplifier. I have owned all kinds of amplifiers. Those that use mosfets, and those that use bjt devices. I am currently running a pair of mono blocks, designed by Hafler, that were made for the movie / cinema industry, that are, to my ears, amazing. They are biased in class A, run extremely hot, use Hitachi mosfets, and drive my Lascalas, wonderfully, and easily......If it sounds good to you, so be it.....also, when it comes to recordings, doesn't  the microphones, cabling, recorders, mixing consoles, eq boards, compression boards, etc., all add to the final sound we are listening to ? I also believe, hard to drive speakers, are ridiculous.....have owned some, and, never again....
I also believe, hard to drive speakers, are ridiculous
Your opinion Mr D.
This is where we differ big time, I would not call Klipch Lascala speakers or Hafler amps state of the art audio devices,having owned the Lascala’s and repaired a couple of Haflers.

I’ve found the most "uncolored full range" speakers, usually to be among the very hardest to drive, due to all the work that goes into them to make them full range, uncolored, and using the drivers in their most linear range with complex xover do do it. This all adds up to an inefficient speaker, with very low impedance dips and nasty - phase angles.  

Cheers George