new GAN amplifier

LSA Voyager GAN 200.

200w into 8 ohms

400w into 4 ohms

???w into 2 ohms

I also believe, hard to drive speakers, are ridiculous
Your opinion Mr D.
This is where we differ big time, I would not call Klipch Lascala speakers or Hafler amps state of the art audio devices,having owned the Lascala’s and repaired a couple of Haflers.

I’ve found the most "uncolored full range" speakers, usually to be among the very hardest to drive, due to all the work that goes into them to make them full range, uncolored, and using the drivers in their most linear range with complex xover do do it. This all adds up to an inefficient speaker, with very low impedance dips and nasty - phase angles.  

Cheers George
George, I have a challenge for you. Take your most uncolored full range speakers, ones that are hard to drive, choose your amplifier ( s ),, take a reasonbly priced mixer, such as a Peavey PV 6BT mixer ( my buddy has one ).......connect it into this, using a great mic, such as the world renowned Neumann U87, and, with a Stevie Ray Vaughn Fender Strat ( of which I love the sound )......I will be the singer, my buddy will play the guitar, and let us see ( hear ) what " this " system can do. Maybe, add a drum machine.....You can choose your own musicians........,
What a cop out george..." this " system of yours, would not be able to handle the dynamics of live musical instruments....but you likely know that. I could find a state of the art mixer, if you would like, and we can try it again........BTW, you should look up the mic and guitar, as they are the source, and would make a bigger difference, in my test, than a superior mixer......Enjoy ! MrD.
See that’s the difference between us, you can handle the Klipsch Lascala’s horn and box coloration’s, and no deep bass, I can’t.
I want to get the signal from the source to the speakers the purest way possible full range with no limitations on wattage or current or frequency, because the speakers also have to be least colored most dynamic you can get, unfortunately that usually means they’re hard to drive.
And to putting that "Peavy Thing" in the signal path goes against all of this.
Cheers George