VPI forum

 VPI Forum...I've tried to join more than once and I can't get an activation email. In the help section, it suggests contacting an administrator, but the admin mailbox is full and, as far as I can see, one has to log in to contact the admin within the forum...Catch 22. Can anyone help me muddle through this?

If you have a Facebook presence, direct yourself to VPI Facebook page, click on like and following and you can post a message in one of Matt's latest posts.  That was the way I had to get in 2 years ago because the mailbox was always full.  It should work as it worked for me.
@ Tablejockey...I understand and agree...Thanks...

@Stereo5...Thanks...I'll try that approach...
The facebook forum is quite active and Mat will respond there. There are a couple of exceptionally skilled non employees who are often more helpful than VPI is.