Help in minimizing hiss

I’m wondering if all hiss can be removed, particularly with highly efficient speakers.
The hiss in my system is audible from about 4-5’ away when it’s silent in the house.

All gear is on a dedicated line I installed with new 12/3 romex to the panel with a 20 amp breaker.
I’m using all quality power cables and XLRs.

Oppo 105 - Schitt Freya + - Legacy Wavelet DSP - Pass Labs X260.8 - Legacy Valor (101 dB sens)

Thanks for any input you may have,Scott
If the hiss is due to an electronic component's noise floor, you cannot remove or negate it short of getting new electronics with a lower noise floor. Alternatively raising the signal-to-noise but that becomes difficult with your 101dB speakers.

A ground loop is different, and may be addressed by addressing how the gear is grounded and plugged in to power.

Simplest thing to start with is to have only the amp and speakers connected and powered on, and then add components backwards to identify at what point you first hear the hiss.
Some audiophiles think its all about being able to hear the music. But as we all know its really all about the hiss. As a great audiophile once said, "If you hear the hiss, you must dismiss."
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Most likely the culprit is your Schiit Freya. Obviously your high efficiency speakers dont help this situation. If it is the Freya I doubt there is much you can do to remedy this situation.