What Class D amps will drive a 2 ohm load

Just asking.

I see specs into 4 ohms but nothing into difficult speaker loads (like Thiel CS5's).

Thanks for listening, 


Just to restate,

georgehifi has been pushing the EPDR "number" for certain speakers as a reason why Class-D will not work unless it can drive <2 ohms, as they have an EPDR (Equivalent Peak Dissipation Resistance) < 1 ohm.

EPDR is a term that was developed to represent the peak power dissipation in output devices of linear amplifiers with reactive loads. It does not represent higher peak current or lower impedance, it represents higher power dissipation on the output devices that are operating in the linear region.

As Class-D devices do not operate in the linear region, EPDR is not a useful criteria for them.

As Class-D devices do not operate in the linear region, EPDR is not a useful criteria for them.

  So you believe the atmasphere statement, that his OTL’s can do a nice job of driving the Wilson Alexia’s as well?? also delusional🤦‍♂️

Give it up you two, looks like your colluding, maybe your his new Class-D partner? Like tweak is with ricevs.
Wrong thread georgehifi ... your post has nothing to do with the Ops topic which is Class-D amplifiers.
Yes it does sunshine, as you both push the class-d BS, that it can drive the speaker loads were talking about here as good as the best BJT amps can, and the biggest laugh your mate says his OTL’s can drive the Alexia’s nicely.
This is a class-D thread. No one is pushing anything. I am stating, quite clearly, that your "push" of EPDR as a relevant value is meaningless w.r.t. Class-D amplifiers. Given that EPDR is meaningless, we don't need to consider 0.9 ohm loading as you have pushed for the Alexia as it has not meaning within a Class-D discussion.  The standard impedance which does not dip below about 2.5-2.6 ohms, is the relevant value for discussion.

BJT has nothing to do with a Class-D discussion, but since you bring up EPDR, EPDR is most damaging to a BJT amplifier in real world conditions because of secondary failure that MOSFETS, and tubes do not experience.