What Class D amps will drive a 2 ohm load

Just asking.

I see specs into 4 ohms but nothing into difficult speaker loads (like Thiel CS5's).

Thanks for listening, 


  BJT has nothing to do with a Class-D discussion

Once again, yes it does sunshine, as you both push the class-d BS, that it can drive the speaker loads were talking about here as the OP ( Thiel CS5) speakers as good as the best BJT amps can
Now if only there were Class-D amplifiers that drove into 2 ohms without any trouble like the op asked ... oh, there are. Cherry Class-D do.  Mytek will as well. There is nothing "sexy" about them, they just do the job they are designed to do. Obviously you have heard them with difficult to drive speakers?

    Just got done talking with Merrill of Merrill Audio.  He says a lot of his customers are trading in their $12K Veritas mono-blocks on his new line of Element amps with GaN FETs.  He said the older GaNs sound better than the newest ones, interesting. 

     I've decided to buy a pair of pre-owned class D Veritas from him at less than half price,   I'm going to pair them with a Levinson 326S preamp, Lumin D2 dac/streamer, Oppo 205, all balanced cables and Magnepan 2.7QR speakers.  

    Merrill  said all of his class D former Veritas and new Element amps are stable down to 1 ohm, George.
   Dsper, a $5K pre-owned pair of Veritas would be an ideal amp solution for any Thiels, Kappas or Apogees you care to use.  

Thread question answered,
Merrill said all of his class D former Veritas and new Element amps are stable down to 1 ohm, George.

Yes, they may be stable that’s only half of the equation, so is a $199 30w NAD 3020 integrated from the 80’s, it’s also "stable" at 2ohm loading, and also on the OP’s Thiel CS5’s, won’t make much music though.

But when I ask him "twice" to produce "true" rms wattage figures (preferably measured by an independent lab) just before clipping at 8, 4, and 2ohms, I was "then" met with a deafening silence.

Only this and also being stable will indicate what’s going with an amp, into serious low impedance’s as the OP’s and many other hi-end speakers have.

Cheers George
The whole basis of your reasoning is that if the power does not double from 8 ohms to 4 ohms, and then again from 4 to 2, that it couldn't possible work right. There is no way you can make that determination without knowing exactly why a specific power limitation may exist at 2 ohms, and you definitely cannot use whatever logic you may think applies to a linear amplifier to a Class-D.