Can you put a Krell in an apartment?

As you see I am a total "goner" living in a cheap apartment with about 50 grand in Audiophile equipment. I am looking at purchasing an old krell "FPB 400 CX" amp that the manufacturer says needs a dedicated 20 amp line. Can you still run this amp off a regular electrical outlet? If you can, will it sound like crap? 
I have a friend that used to keep his Harley in his dining room. Only in the winter of course!
     Get the amp and enjoy! Life is too short!!
Standard 12ga wire will carry 20amps with no problem if the amp is the only appliance on that particular circuit. If you dedicate one breaker to the amp, the wiring in the apartment should carry the load without heat build-up. Standard construction code usually requires 12ga wire, but I would check the guage of wire on the outputs of the breakers just to be sure.
There is a 20 amp breaker in the box for the Air conditioner. That's the only thing on the breaker. I am going to plug the KRELL into that and go without air conditioning. I will have to listen to my system naked wearing ice packs in the summer as the Las Vegas heat and the KRELL will heat the room up to about 125 degrees. Well worth it for good sound. I am so gone. 
I let a friend store his Harley in my basement ( I live on a hill so it a walk in bsmt.) one winter. then he came to pick it up, he started it in the house rather than pushing it out first.

Wife just came down and gave me the "look".  Storage depot closed for business.

Get some big  Boulders. They play loud and strong and you can keep clothes only while listening.  However, they will burn down your credit rating.
Boulder? Yeah,  I will check them out. They run cooler than Krells. Might be more musical. Plus if they break, Colorado is a lot closer to me than Connecticut. I see a few on market. Harley's and high end Audio, a great combination