What CD Transports Provide the Most Detail?


I recently purchased a used PS Audio PerfectWave transport that replaced an eight year old, Philips based, AudioSpace CD8 that I was using as a transport.

I was amazed about how much better my system sounded (Theta Pro Basic III DAC, CJ17LS2, McCormack DNA-500, and Thiel CS5's).

My assumption is that the PWT provided more detail that translated into a better presence and aliveness to the sound.

Can anyone share their experience after trading their PWT for some other transport?

Thanks for listening,

Search threads for mentions of CEC or Jay's.  Those are likely the other two competitive transports.
I burnt through thousands wanting to upgrade a couple of years ago. i tried a few popular dac transport combinations settling with a CEC T2LN transport which replaced a PS Audio Perfect Wave transport.
Being introduced to ripping using a custom server which was a 3rd of the price of the CEC transport it wasn’t difficult which I preferred sonically though I had help getting there I was finally enjoying digital playback more so then at any other time.
Two years ago I never considered transitioning away from using a transport and came very close ordering a Jays model 3 transport after chatting with a owner of that model . Overall performance and huge value for the money almost convinced me to bank wire Alvin the money .
However being introduced to a high quality server back then , ripping CDs ultimately changed my mind about using transports all together and with ultra convenience aside today I am much , much more satisfied with digital playback then at any other time.

Dsper I failed to answer your question, one of my listening biases is small scale details especially with uncompressed live recordings .