Does the 'Buck' Start with the DAC?

Some members have expressed that the server / streaming front end is less important than the DAC.

I subscribe to the position that "Everything Matters"

As I consider front end choices, I'm trying to gauge if I should be leaning more heavily on a DAC versus a SOURCE (server / streamer).

Feedback and perspective from both camps, or any others, will be helpful. Thank you.

Please Note:  I'm not looking for validation of the position that "only the bits" matter... I accept that some believe this wholeheartedly... and that's okay by me. 
@thyname  Thanks!  Are you saying, ideally, that you recommend... equal spends on / equal performance levels for... the source and DAC? 
Perhaps more on DAC. Without neglecting the source of course. I hope I make sense 
Because the DAC is the link between the digital and analog portions of my system. IMHO the analog output stage of the DAC is crucial.

This is just my general, intuitive understanding of things. I have no scientific proof, or ABX tests to back it up 😂😉
A $500 streamer connected to a $2500 DAC will always sound better than a $500 DAC connected to a $2500 streamer.  At least that's my experience and it's not even close.