Thiel CS 2 2 vs Snell C IV

I have the great opportunity to buy just one pair at about the same price for my 2nd listening room. Which one would be more recommended?
The parameters:
1. room size: 24' x 18' listening room with vaulted ceiling
2. music genres: orchestral classic, jazz and some soft rock
3. gear: Conrad Johnson tube amps (PV12 + MV50), alternatively PV10 + Adcom GFA-555

The option of auditioning both in that room is not possible since one pair is not listed locally.

Thanks for your comments/suggestions.

P.S. As an owner of both the Snell A and Model B Minor (main listening room) I like their neutral sound and precision. Having had the Thiel CS3.5, I like the more modern combination of sound + looks.
Big different between those two speakers. The Thiels would reveal just how bad your Adcom is. The Snells on the other hand are easy to drive and they would sound great with the CJ.
Snell C-IV speakers are a classic speaker. Great all aound soundstage & dynamic speakers. These Snell C-IV are last of the "original sound of Snell Acoustics". Before the merge with Boston Acoustics which were the Snell C-V speakers, totally different sound and more like a home theater /Boston Acoustic sound.

Peter Snell would of been proud of the Kevin Voecks design sound of the C-IV. Peter Snell would be rolling over in his grave if he heard the C-V speakers.

Now Snell is nothing more than a name and was eaten up by a large Japanese conglomerate company including, Denon, Marantz etc..
I have owned and enjoyed many Snell speakers. According to the Snell website and Stereophile, the Snell V was also a Kevin Voecks design.