new GAN amplifier

LSA Voyager GAN 200.

200w into 8 ohms

400w into 4 ohms

???w into 2 ohms

I am going to guess I have far more experience with AP equipment and getting the most out of it than the average Stereophile writer who is a casual user.
Yes your the best, and yes your a"Dreamer".

JA (John Atkinson) would have so many more hours than you on AP test gear it’s not funny. That all he does all day every day, is measure everything Stereophile reviews and subcontracts out as well.

Stop "trying" to big note your self, and go back to saying how good OTL amps are for driving bad speaker loads like the Alexia’s, that only made you look half as bad, we can’t follow two ridiculous claims at once.
The above was explained ad nauseam

No it wan’t explained why a screen shot of a 10khz square wave couldn’t be shown direct from the Purifi 1ET400A speaker terminals, as the speakers see it, as Stereophile shows a few years ago here (top pic) but now Stereophile also don’t show it without the external filter, because it’s not a good look for their advertisers to show that kind of barely recognizable square wave. 

Instead the screen shot that is shown, had been extensively cleaned up after it had gone through an A.P. AUX external -52db LP testing filter (bottom pic), fooling readers/viewers into thinking that it comes out this clean from the Purifi 1ET400A speaker terminals. A hoax in my view.
You asked for the file, Amirm said he didn't have it and you said "If you don't have it that's fine". It's all there if anybody wants to read this interesting thread.
Thanks Pirad. You just confirmed what I already expected that he doesn't know what he is talking about and just parrots what he reads. It would never occur to him that external custom filters could exist Or that the amplifier would filter out the high frequencies themselves rendering the filter use unnecessary.

John Atkinson is just using the tools available to him. He doesn't have an engineering or signal processing background (I expect you don't either). Many of us design custom interfaces to do all sorts of things with our AP units (or build whole devices to achieve what AP products can"t).