new GAN amplifier

LSA Voyager GAN 200.

200w into 8 ohms

400w into 4 ohms

???w into 2 ohms

You don't even understand what EPDR is and you just proved it yet again. EPDR is a number exclusively for linear amplifiers to represent equivalent PEAK power dissipation in the output devices. You have brought it up repeatedly in Class D threads. EPDR has no meaning in a Class D amplifier and that you keep bringing it up shows you don't understand EPDR or you don't understand Class D.  I will let you tell us which that is.

I read an article not long ago that said JA has tested over 300 amplifiers. We have ran that many tests in design variations across synthetic loads in a week on automated stations running 24/7. Not faulting JAs work, but putting his expertise in perspective. You don't seem to appreciate just how sophisticated companies and design groups can be set test and measurement. What Stereophile does only scratches the surface.  You idolize that because you don't have experience to put it into perspective.
Your the best mate!!! (in your own mind) "No more responses to anymore ** you say."
Now go back to the Misc Forum spruiking about voodoo snake oil along with your SR "fuser" mates geoffkait, uberwaltz, oregonpapa ect ect, or how OLT tubes can drive Alexia’s
You make me laugh Georgehifi. Anyone who knows my posts knows how ridiculous your statement is. Actually you are just like uber and Frank and geoffy. You take things you read, without fully understanding them, then try to apply them to all situations.

You have misapplied EPDR repeatedly in Class-D threads. You wrote those threads, not me. EPDR does not apply to Class-D. People that actually design amplifiers, test them, etc. know this. That is a big statement about your knowledge.

You also believe that AP equipment cannot test Class-D beyond a few watts. That is also not true. That is another statement about your knowledge.
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EPRD isn't a term that's used in engineering circles, even if it's a more valid descriptor than than the invented term  "RMS power".

Any amplifier that relies heavily on NFB to present a low output impedance can be brought undone by a nasty capacitive load, and that includes Bruno's hypex modules, particularly when knowing that the output filter is also within the feedback loop. 

When time permits I'll hook up the sig gen and scope and run some tests to see how well the NC500's perform on a typical square wave test Vs a class AB design.