Need suggestions for a $1500 used system for my daughter.......

She just purchased her first house and she wants good sounding music playing soon! Yes, it seems I influenced her. 100% Tidal streaming. I will make all cabling for her. Small floor-standers or book shelf speakers.   Can be separates or an all in one. Needs to have a nice smooth and warmish sound.  She dislikes top end sizzle or bite. Full bodied sound is needed! Can be tubes, but only small signal tubes .... no power tubes.  Ok Agoners please offer me up some killer options! Most likely used with my small budget, but who knows?! Thanks in advance. 
Does she own a desktop PC? If so, how about a pair of Audioengine A2+ or A5+ powered speakers and one of their subs? I have this combo that I use for the bedroom system using the A2+ speakers and no sub ... and it sounds entirely enjoyable and involving. Plus, she can play CDs and stream Spotify and use headphones if she wants to.

How about one of the Peachtree integrated that has a tube in the signal path only.
I had one for my second system and was very impressed and it had inputs to cover just about everything!
Plenty on the used market around $500 or even less.
Even looks sort of art deco Chic!
Plenty of money left over for a cheap streamer like a Chromecast Audio or similar.
Bluesound Powernode 2i with Magnepan LRS. For a warmer speaker Monitor Audio Bronze 5 which will take you right to your budget and the Powernode will have no problem driving them... the Maggie’s will work but may not come to their full potential with this amp plus they need to be out in the room a little. The Monitor Audio’s are a lot easier to set up.
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