Bingo arty_vandelay. However, it is specific to linear amplifiers where that instantaneous voltage represents a large voltage drop across an output device operating in the linear region at a given current and hence high instantaneous power. As the output devices in Class-D are not operated in the linear region, it has little meaning.
What EPDR hits really hard is BJT output stages as BJT devices have secondary breakdown mechanisms impacted by instantaneous power (or accurately power and voltage), even if they can handle the current delivery.
What EPDR hits really hard is BJT output stages as BJT devices have secondary breakdown mechanisms impacted by instantaneous power (or accurately power and voltage), even if they can handle the current delivery.
arty_vandelay23 posts11-24-2019 8:43pmEPDR is obviously a means of expressing power dissipated in the amplifier based on instantaneous values of voltage and current at a specified frequency. In other words, a reverse engineered value.