Is the Modwright for an Oppo udp205 worth it?

Thinking about getting the modwright for my Oppo udp205. Does anyone have any experience with it?
Have a Modwright 105 non-Darby and have enjoyed it immensely. 
Probably not a great investment if you sell, but I think you will be pleased. 
It's only money!!..))
Thanks everyone for the info. I will call them tomorrow. It seems like theres much more good reviews than bad ones. I do like rolling the tubes, so this might scratch the itch :)
There’s nothing you can achieve with a mod that you cannot achieve with a separate DAC which you can run straight from your Oppo. Probably less expensively, better SQ and with way more choices and flexibility. For the price of the mod you can get a great DAC. That system will also hold its resale value a lot better. You can get a DAC with tubes if you wish, but best place for tubes IMO is at preamp or receiver level.
Get a tube preamp like Schitt Freya+ and see if you like the tube sound. This will be much cheaper approach since you can easily sell the Freya.